Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chase Peferal and Baby #1... and 2?

Hello and welcome to my blog on the 100 Baby Challenge. First of all, my name is Chase Peferal. No, it's not short for anything. My real name IS Chase. I have milky cream eyes and my hair is white with green highlights and purple tips. I have freckles due to lack of suncreen when i was little. My triats are vegetarian, flirty, artistic, childish, and, i'm embarrased to say, hopeless romantic. I'm a Cancer my favourites are green, crepes, and indie. My life's ambition is to learn how to play ALL the instruments.

Click here for Chase Peferal.

My style is kind of punk-rocker. Why did I, of all people, start this challenge? In my city, they choose who does it. Out of thirty+ other women i was choosen. The 20-year old music freak was choosen to be the mother of 100 kids. I don't think it was an accident, but then again, i'm a paranoid person. In my city, it's considered an honor to be apart of this challenge. You're not considered a slut for sleeping with so many men, and you're not judged by how many stretch marks you get. The city even pays for your fertility treatment, so if i twins first, it wouldn't be surprising.

Other than your house and your fertility treatment, you're supposed to earn your own money... No help and i can't get a job. I'll work with the basics.

"Where to start?" i asked myself once i'd gotten into my new house. I really don't know where but i should come up with a way to earn money first.

I'll work with my strenghts. I'll learn how to play guitar and then work for tips BEFORE i get pregnant... Yeah, i'm just using this as an excuse to stale my time. But learning how to play all the intsruments IS my life time wish, so i'm being productive and lazy at the same time. Level 5 is how far i have to get to be able to play tips, so i stayed in my home just playing until i got to Level 5.

I played in front of the bookstore. It's one of the best places to get LOTS of tippers. I know that from personal experience... starting off pretty slow...

Yep, this is place to go. It did take a while to get this many people here, but i think it's well worth the wait.

I played until around midnight and made over $1,000. I'm not buying anything for the babies though until i'm pregnant.

When i got home there was a note on the door from city hall. They said i must have at least 1 skill in cooking, logic, and handiness in order to play illegally on the streets for tips. So i got to work immediatley. I studied cooking first, but with all the cooking i'm most likely going to be doing over the next few years, i don't see how that's a priority.

Next was logic. I can see why i would need this in general but also if i'm having 100 kids. I need to be able to help them with schoolwork and answer questions so i really don't mind learning things for them.

And lastly, handyness for when i'm too broke to hire a repairman.

When i finished learning the 1 skill point, i got a call from a friend from high school. It was Conner Frio. Honestly speaking, i'd had a crush on him for a while but i'd never confess. No matter how much of a romantic i am.
"Hey Chase," Conner said, "i hear the news. Have fun with those kids."
"Gee, thanks Conner," i said sarcastically and i hear laughing from the other end.
"So can i come over?" he asked.
"Sure, anytime. my government paid home is your government paid home. But that's the only thing they're paying for..."
"Hahaha, ok, I'll be there soon."
"See you soon." And i hung up.

He really did not waste anytime getting here. Honestly it took him all of two minutes.

I let him and we hugged, but only for a little while. When he finally let me go he said, "So, have ideas for fathers yet? You should get started right away before you get too old and can't even get a date."
I hit his shoulder playfully and said, "I'm waiting until i have enough money to pay for them. Kids are expensive, you know."
"Haha, don't even give me that excuse. I say you racking in the cash the other day while playing that guitar of yours. By the way, you're welcome for the twenty."
"Oh, that was you?"
"Ha. Ha. Well if you want..." then he got quiet and blushed.
"What?" i asked.
"I could be the first father," he said and smiled at me.
I blushed furiously and said, "Uh, sure..."
"One condition," he said and showed me how many one was with his finger.
"Oh? And what is that?" i asked.

And he kissed me. He pulled back but then i started kissing him. "That was it," he said and smiled at me and we held hands for while.

For the actual act, we went back to his house. We cuddled for a little while before getting down to business. When i heard the lulaby that the former 100 Baby Challenge, Della Wriner, told me about i knew i'd succesfully concived. Oh joy.

My days with this small body are numbered. I'm going to miss it, truly.

Right afterwards though i'd been given a small job at the cinema. My guitar skills are getting noticed. I just hope not by the wrong people. I got a portable piano, money, and more guitar skills for doing this job.

When it was over, actually, it was about 7 a.m. so i started playing my guitar for some cash. I mastered it! And i got another $3,000! I was so excited. I called Conner because he was on speed-dial.
"Slow down, speed-racer, i can't understand you," he said.
"I said i mastered the guitar, like offically!" i said slower but still pretty fast.
"Well this calls for a celebration," he said, "Meet me at the bistro. I'm buying to dinner."
"You mean it? Thanks! I'll meet you there!" I hung up and raced to the bistro.

When the "date" Conner called it was over he went home after giving me another hug and a kiss. I played for tips again. I decided to learn a new piece and people sitll gave me tips for it! I got another $500!

In the crowd, i actually saw a vampire! Not just any vampire either, it was a celeberity! Maybe i'll have a vampire baby sometime... It's an option.

When i got home the first thing i did was set up the new piano. I started practicing because, who knows, maybe my kids will like to hear it. If it's mastered, it'll be even better.

When i got to Level 2 the bathtube broke and while i was fixing it, i got sick. Morning sickness already? Man  i hate that stupid selection ball. That's what chooses the woman for the challenge. And i hate it.

Luckily i was already in the bathroom so no harm done.

The next morning i was cleaning some dishes after a failed attempt at waffles when...

I got sick again. I was paniced and didn't think of the toilet as an option because it was clogged, which i fized later. Well, i hear it's good for the soil anyway...

I was playing for more tips at the Bistro when i got my first hint of a baby bump. I guess these clothes aren't so bad. At least i get to keep my converse.

Even though there were only two people there, i got the hint they were well paid because they gave me HUGE tips. I earned $600 off of just those two.

The next morning i was craving mac and cheese like no tomorrow so i got up and saw how well those kids were developing. In one night i looked like this! it's only going to get worse as this challenga continues.

After the mac and cheese i spent the night and a day spa. Yeah, yeah, get your laughs out over the irony of that situation.  Now, i'm THIS big. I was still feeling tired afterwards though so i went to sleep.

Only to have my sleep interupted by the baby. I got my contractions in the afternoon.

My eyes went cross-eyed and i screamed so loud the neighbors actually called a cab to take me to the hospital. I'll have to thank them later.

At first the driver was confused as to why the nieghbors had called on a cab to take a neighbor to the hospital, but when she saw me, she understood and drove over the speed limit to get me to the hospital.

Because of the trip to the day spa, i was pretty relaxed as i walked into the hospital dispire my reaction at home. An older woman screamed almost as loud as i did when she saw me walking in.

Conner ran all the way to the hospital when  he got the call from the doctor. He accidently knocked that guy over and almost got a death threat when he heard about the babies coming. We stayed in that hospital for almost 7 hours. The pain was nothing to sneeze at.

I had two girls. Twins. Both with their dad's eyes; dark blue. The oldest Conner named Lilly-Pad. Lilly-Pad Peferal. It is kind of catchy. Lilly-Pad has the traits clumsy and genuis. A clumsy genuis. Even i can laugh at that.

The youngest of the two i named Rebecca, who has the traits brave and eccentic, after the nun at the orphange that took care of me since i was baby. Did i forget to mention that? Right, i'm an orphan. An orphan who's supposed to give birth to 100, correction 98 kids.

The very first thing those two did when i put set them in their cribs was sleep. It was kind of funny because, being twins and all, they fell asleep at the same time. Admittedly, they are pretty cute. The first two babies are on their way to being young adults... I guess this is the time when my maturnal instincts kick in and i honestly say... I'll always remember like this. As little babies in their cribs.

So here is the end to the begining of the first blog and the 100 baby challenge. Thanks for reading. To send my names go to sandninja@live.com and for fathers my sims account Izzy_Duff should do the trick. Have a good day.

The certificate of the guitar mastering and the guitar that lead me to it. See you soon. Send me names!

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